Community Based Services' 41st Anniversary!

It's Community Based Services' 41st Anniversary!
Good Reasons Dog Treats is a social enterprise of Community Based Services(CBS) founded in 2013. CBS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing people with autism and other developmental disabilities the best quality of life through individualized opportunities. Kevin McCarthy worked for thirty years as an educator and advocate for people with disabilities before going off on his own to establish CBS on April 18, 1981.
- About CBS -
Our organization, Community Based Services, has grown over the years and now provides a multitude of different services for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Good Reasons is one of CBS’s services. Good Reasons was created as a response to the state of New York asking its network of providers to help create jobs for people with disabilities. The CEO of CBS, Vicki Sylvester, Ph.D., combined her love of animals with her professional experience to create a company committed to making a meaningful difference.
This week is our 41st anniversary. So, join us in celebrating by taking part in our anniversary sale! Buy any 3 bags of our good reasons dog treats and get $5.00 off automatically at the checkout. Click here: to take part in this sweet deal!
Don't Settle!
Don’t settle for the national name-brand dog treats that use harmful chemicals. Instead, stick to Good Reasons because we use all-natural kitchen-grade ingredients that contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Do you know what else Good Reasons offers? Every purchase of our dog treats goes towards providing a job for someone with developmental disabilities, allowing our employees to grow as individuals and live their best lives.